Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Don’t Sweat It, Rest!

Kingdom News Daily presents Devotionals from ministries worldwide.

Today's Devotion by Pastor Joseph Prince  

{Then she said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.” Ruth 3:18}

God does not want you to “sweat”. Sweat here does not refer to your body’s perspiration, but your self-reliance or self-effort. God does not want you to believe that if you don’t do anything, nothing will happen. That may be true for someone without God in his life, but it is not true for you because you have God. And when He is in the picture, the God-factor changes everything!

When you are resting in God, He works for you. In fact, when He works, you end up with more. He is the one who is giving to you. It is not about you trying to give to yourself.

This was what happened to Ruth in the Old Testament. After laboring in the barley fields from morning to evening, she was able to glean one ephah of barley (Ruth 2:17), which was equivalent to a 10-day supply of barley. Certainly, this amount was a blessing to her.

But when she rested at the feet of Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, and did not labor, she received six ephahs of barley (Ruth 3:15), which was equivalent to a 60-day supply! When Ruth sought her own blessing, she obtained only one ephah. But when she sought the blesser, she received much more.

Ruth’s blessings did not stop there. While Ruth rested and sat still as her mother-in-law Naomi had instructed, Boaz, who was the owner of the barley field, went to work, initiating actions, executing them and speaking on Ruth’s behalf. Right through it all, Ruth sat still and rested. Eventually, Boaz, the barley man himself, married Ruth. (Ruth 4) That meant no more measured wealth of six ephahs, but the yield of the whole barley field in total!

Boaz is a picture of Jesus, our heavenly kinsman-redeemer. When we rest in the Lord, He will not rest. He will work on our behalf. What do we do then? We just trust in and enjoy His love for us.

Beloved, stop striving and be at rest. If salvation, the greatest work, comes to us by resting in Jesus’ finished work, how much more will all the other blessings?

Thought For The Day
If salvation, the greatest work, comes into our lives just by us resting in Jesus’ finished work, how much more will all the other blessings?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kingdom News Daily-Breaking

╬Néxplosion-Retiro Jóvenes Iglesia Vida Abundante Junio 21-23

Mensaje Pastor Carlos Cintrón Iglesia Vida Abundante

La mejor sopa se echa a perder si le cae una mosca. La menor tontería echa a perder tu fama de sabio. El sabio siempre piensa en hacer lo bueno; el tonto sólo piensa en hacer lo malo. Tiene el tonto tan poco cerebro que sin abrir la boca anuncia su tontería. Si el gobernante se enoja contigo, no renuncies a tu cargo. Para los grandes errores, un gran remedio: la paciencia. En esta vida he visto algo muy grave, parecido al error que cometen los gobernantes: que a la gente incapaz se le dan puestos de gran responsabilidad, mientras que a la gente capaz se le dan los puestos más bajos. ¡Y resulta que los esclavos andan a caballo, mientras que la gente que vale anda a pie! Si haces hoyos, puedes caerte en ellos. Si partes en dos un muro, puede morderte una serpiente. Si partes piedras, puedes salir herido. Si partes leña, puedes salir lastimado. El hacha sin filo no corta. Si no se le saca filo, hay que golpear con más fuerza. Si quieres prosperar, tienes que saber qué hacer y hacerlo bien. ¿De qué te sirve tener un encantador de serpientes, si la serpiente te muerde antes de ser encantada? Cuando el sabio habla, a todos les cae bien; cuando el tonto abre la boca, provoca su propia ruina. Comienza diciendo tonterías, y acaba diciendo estupideces, ¡pero palabras no le faltan! ¿Qué va a pasar mañana? ¿Qué va a pasar después? ¡Nadie puede saberlo! No tiene ningún sentido que tanto trabaje el tonto, si no sabe ni en dónde está. ¡Qué lástima da el país que tiene un rey incapaz y malos gobernantes que siempre están de fiesta! ¡Pero qué dichoso es el país que tiene un rey bien preparado, con gobernantes que comen para vivir y no viven para comer! En la casa del perezoso pasan muchas desgracias: primero se cae el techo, y después toda la casa. Para estar feliz hace falta pan, para estar contento hace falta vino, y para gozar de todo hace falta dinero. Nunca hables mal del rey ni de la gente poderosa, aunque creas que nadie te oye. Las palabras vuelan; son como los pájaros, y todo llega a saberse. (Eclesiastés 10:1-20 TLA)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Daily Devotion: Forgiveness

Daily Devotion: Forgiveness, presented by Kingdom News Daily

On the third Sunday in June, America observes its traditional Father's Day, on which we honor our earthly fathers.  This social activity is all well and good, according to the Biblical Commandment.  Nevertheless, Our Heavenly Father's Day is celebrated on the Sabbaths for some and Sundays for others and forgotten by most people, the rest of the week.  The main reason for practicing daily devotion appears throughout the Bible, it's called God's Grace.

Christians should be grateful that the ways of God are not those of the world.  Psalms 103: 2-3,5 states,

2. "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—

3. who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases...
5. who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Perhaps, it's the former disc jockey in me, but this psalm reminds me of the song The Heart of the Matter.   In it, Eagles' front man, Don Henley sings the line, "Forgiveness, even if, you don't love me anymore."  This human sentiment is fine in the sense that we are commanded to forgive all, but it also flies contrary to God's agape love.  The Lord's love is unconditional and eternal. We receive His divine love before we even know or love God.  And so, Our Father's forgiveness is offered through his unwavering love, which will accompany us throughout this life and the next.  Therefore, in season or out, I will follow the tradition of Yeshua and daily desire Yahweh, a very Happy Father's Day.-RSJ

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Monday, June 3, 2013

Daily Devotion by H.S.

If Jesus did not baptize in water, what did he baptize in?  You can find out Today, in our Daily Devotional from Charisma Magazine contributor to Kingdom News Daily